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Rubik Cub Mension.PNG

 Fiction Story Book Reading Class ( Chinese Reading Comprehension Level III )


[ Course Introduction] 


Good reading habits and reading ability are the basis for improving writing ability. Through reading and appreciating the famous Chinese writer " Fairy Tale King" Mr. Zheng Yuanjie's chapter work " Rubik's Cube Mansion", this course will open a door to the Rubik's Cube world for students and lead them through a series of explorations in the magical and mysterious Rubik's Cube world. Through the teaching of this course, students will not only appreciate the extensive and profound Chinese language and culture, but also stimulate their imagination, fully mobilize students' initiative and enthusiasm in learning Chinese, and on this basis, improve their reading interest and self-reading level, break through the real problem of long gap period in summer Chinese learning, enrich summer life with interesting reading, break through the bottleneck of reading, and make summer vacation no longer boring.

[ Course requirements]


Since the courses will be taught in 100% Chinese and most of the courses will be taught through the Internet, in order to ensure students' good learning experience, Targets are for the middle school students with at least three year Chinese learning experience. the following requirements are specially set for students' admission conditions: 


  • Ability of pinyin and typing in Chinese; 

  • Chinese students with at least three years or more of Chinese school learning foundation and independent            Chinese reading experience. Non-Chinese students can pass the examination. 

  • The home has a computer with Chinese input and reliable network links.


[ Class Schedule ] 


Classes are held on weekday evening or weekend morning for 1.5 hours per lesson per week, with a total of 12 classes  for each session. We provide four sessions  per year.  Once you register, the instructor will contact you and make an appointment for one hour Chinese Level evaluation.


       Session I: January to March

       Session II: April  to June

       Session III: July to September

       Session VI: October to December


Tuition: $40 per hr or $432 per session/Evaluation Fee: $50


Note: Tutoring is depending on how many the student is in the class:

1 vs 2: $40 per hr

1 vs 4: $30 per hr

1 vs 6: $25 per hr

1 vs 8: $20 per hr

1 vs 12-25: $10 per hr



[ Course Mode ]


In order to facilitate students' flexible and changeable student activities, the intensive class will be conducted through online teaching. For students who have enough time, they can " meet" with their teachers three times a week, just like the normal classes. For students whose time schedule is not flexible enough, they can watch the online class playback, strengthen the review by attendants, and leave messages in time through our online class and management space to ask questions and follow up the review. All registered students have a link to the course playback, which allows unlimited playback of learning. According to the needs of the course, there will be two to three face-to-face courses. Students can participate in more hands-on, brain-moving activities and cooperative performances in face-to-face courses.

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