Our Policies
The program begins immediately after school dismissal where students will “sign in”. If your student will not attend the program that day or will be arriving at our program much later than after school dismissal because of participation in another extracurricular activity on school grounds, please let us know this ahead of time. Please send us an email or call us to let us know of their status. In the email, please include the name of the extracurricular activity, the room number, the start/end time, and the date/s. Parents or persons who are authorized to pick up your child must “sign out” your child every day. All children must be picked up no later than 6:00 p.m. A late fee may be charged for any pickups after the assigned time at a rate of $1/minute and will be due to the teacher directly at the time of the incident.
If the student assigns time at the beginning of the school year, the program only allows you to change the days at the end of each month with 7-days’ written notice in advance (including change days, e.g. from Tuesday / Thursday change to Monday / Tuesday) and change the programs, e.g. from 4 or 5 days program change to 3 or 2 days program). If a parent wants to drop student in the CIASP class at the student’s un-assigned days, the parent has to write notice with 24-hour in advance to the teacher or program Director. One day tuition for Drop in will be charged $35 per day and pay when you pick up your child at the same day.


Our Payment Schedule
An initial deposit (refundable) equal to one month of tuition, and the yearly registration fee (non-refundable) is due with registration form to reserve your spot for your child. The deposit can be refunded only after your child’s last day in the program, assuming a written 30 day advance notice of withdrawal from the program was received.
Each family is required to pay an annual registration fee of $35 per student or $60 per family in order to complete registration for the Chinese Immersion after School Program. This fee is non-refundable.
Tuition must be paid monthly and is due no later than the 5th of every month. There is $35 late fee will be charged if the payment received after 5th each month. It is a necessary step to ensure CIASP runs smoothly. Returned checks are assessed a service fee of $25.00 per check. You can send check to the address below or give to the teacher or program Director when you pick up your child.
$375/month: 5 days/week (Monday-Friday)
$360/month: 4 days/week (Any four days)
$330/month: 3 days/week (Any three days)
$260/month: 2 days/week (Any two days)
Discount Price will be applied if you register before May 8th, each school year.
Please send your check to: Education Connects, LLC. P. O. Box# 1372 Clarksburg, Maryland 20871
The monthly tuition rate covers days when MCPS schools are “in session”. See the section “SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR" to give you more information on such as holidays, professional days, spring and winter break, etc. For the students who come to the program only for two or three days’ program, the makeup days can always be applied with one week notification in advance to the program director or his or her Chinese teacher. Makeup days include early release days and inclement weather. The maximum makeups are three times per semester. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us or by email at mylessonsinfo@gmail.com. Education Connects reserves the right of final decision on tuition and payment policies.
Days of Operation
The program is CLOSED on major holidays and follows the MCPS inclement weather school closing policy. Therefore, if schools are closed due to snow/other inclement weather, the program will be closed that day.
* Makeup days include early release days and inclement weather. The maximum makeups are three times per semester.
Approximate SCHEDULE:
Monday through Friday
3:45 ~ 4:45 PM Chinese Language
4:45 ~ 5:50 PM Chinese Language & Culture enrichment/ Math
5:50 ~ 6:00 PM Pickup
Host Schools
We use public school or private school as our facility for safety and convenience. We have been operating or expect to open schools in the following sites. Please contact us if you need our service in your area.
Public Schools
Bayard Rustin ES, Cedar Grove ES, Cold Spring ES, College Gardens ES, DuFief ES, Fallsmead ES, Garrett Park ES, Lakewood ES, McNair ES, Spark M. Matsunaga ES, Potomac ES, Seven Locks ES, Somerset ES, Stone Mill ES, Travilah ES, Wayside ES, Wilson Wims ES, Wyngate ES
Private Schools
The New Century School, Norwood School
EduCIASP is not a day care program. It provides children an extended-hour learning environment for Chinese language and culture education.