How Was EduYouth Established?
At year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the daily lives and routines of people all around the world. While there have been many issues caused by this pandemic, one urgent concern is that the most school system is closed and the education of students have moved from school to home. While schools are working hard to adapt to online learning and distribute the necessary materials, the truth is that the lack of in-person learning makes it hard for students to receive the same quality of education as before. This makes it all the more important that there are competent resources that can enrich students’ learning. This is where EduYouth comes in.
The dedicated youth from College, Middle school, and high school come to Educonnects and established the EduYouth program. The goal of EduYouth is to provide children in Pre-K, K to 8th graders with free classes to complementary what the students learn with school, many of which teach advanced concepts that schools may not provide to expand student's knowledge from many aspects. This includes cell and molecular biology, Python, Raven Progressive Matrices, and Math Kangaroo. Our dedicated teachers come from a wide variety of prestigious backgrounds, including magnet programs and distinguished universities. They are committed to teaching students as volunteers for the global communities . The classes are taught on a weekly basis and are done through online classroom resources. After each class, homework is given to improve the efficiency of learning of the students.
To conclude, EduYouth strives to help students worldwide during this difficult time or beyond by offering a variety of interesting and educational online classes.

Hello, I'm Laura
a bit about me:
Hello! Welcome to the 爱纳 Puzzle Seminar. This is a class in which students will develop problem-solving skills through interacting with fun puzzles. My name is Laura Yao and I will be teaching this course. The skills learned by doing this class will help students think critically and provide a very basic intro to techniques in cybersecurity. There will be classes every Saturday from 1:00 to 1:45 for 5 weeks.
There are a few requirements for this class:
Students should have a pencil and paper ready to write down ideas and solve puzzles.
Homework should be submitted in Google Classroom before class starts. The code will be given before the start of class.
Students should arrive to class on time.
To maintain a good learning environment, parents should help their students with problems if there is any question while I’m teaching the class.

Hello, I'm Max
a bit about me:
I am Max, the instructor for the Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Class, which aims to cover the basics of cell/molecular biology for beginners.
Cell and molecular biology are a fundamental part of the biological field and they cover numerous principles that shape how we understand our biological selves and other living beings. This course will explain how the different molecules and parts inside cells allow them to function and make up beings much larger than the sum of their parts, from tiny bacteria to complicated organisms like humans. As such, I think this class could prove useful for anybody who is interested in learning more in the future about how our body and life in general works.
Here are some points to consider before the class begins:
Some experience with science would be helpful but is not a hard requirement. This does not have to be from a dedicated science class, any exposure to the sciences would suffice. Classes will be in the classic lecture format via Zoom conference call, with a 5-minute break in the middle. Students who wish to take notes must have their own materials to do so.
At any point during a lecture, students may post questions in the Zoom chat. Because of potential interference, I ask all students to not have their microphones on.
At the end of each lecture, worksheets will be posted in the class Slack group for students to complete. They can be returned either via email or Slack DM.
Lectures will begin at the top of the hour. Please be on time to hear the full lecture.
If a student encounters any technical or personal difficulties during the course and wants to contact me, please do so via email or Slack.

Hello, I'm Stephen
a bit about me:
Welcome to the Intro the Python class! My name is Stephen and I will be your teacher for the Intro the Python class. It is an exciting time to be learning programming, especially with recent advancements in computational power and accumulation of massive amounts of publicly available data. Although you will only be learning the basics, material learned in this course is necessary for expanding to other programming-related endeavors.
In terms of lesson etiquette, I have a few common-sense rules:
When a lesson begins, please feel free to ask questions by raising your hand, but mute your microphone otherwise.
Please arrive on time, otherwise I will begin without you.
You should practice writing code and taking class notes using pen and paper, not an electronic device. Good programmers don't need a computer to think about code.
Additionally, please peruse the syllabus located in the #announcement channel on Slack; it contains a lot of useful information. That is all for now. I've got a lot planned so get ready to learn!
I also teach Rubik's Cub class for the young kids.

Hello, I'm Charles
a bit about me:
Welcome to the Spanish Class at introductory level, a class that focuses on learning Spanish Characters and phases.
There are a few requirements for this class:
Students should either be in kindergarten or first grade.
Students should have a pencil and paper ready to write down answers to problems. Homework should be submitted in Google Classroom before class starts. The code will be given before the start of class. Students should arrive to class on time.
To maintain a good learning environment, parents should help their students with problems if there is any question while I’m teaching the class.
If there are questions about the homework, students and parents can send emails to me.
Hello, I'm Angelina
a bit about me:
Welcome to the Raven Class, which is designed to teach kindergartners and first graders how to solve Raven Standard Progressive Matrices. My name is Angelina and I will be teaching this course. The skills learned by doing Raven Progressive Matrices problems can be used for many other standardized tests, such as the InView and CogAT tests.
There are a few requirements for this class:
Students should either be in kindergarten or first grade.
Students should have a pencil and paper ready to write down answers to problems. Homework should be submitted in Google Classroom before class starts. The code will be given before the start of class. Students should arrive to class on time.
To maintain a good learning environment, parents should help their students with problems if there is any question while I’m teaching the class.
If there are questions about the homework, students and parents can send emails to me.

Hello, I'm Catherine
a bit about me:
Welcome to English Reading K Class, which is designed to teach Kindergartners the basics of reading and English language arts. My name is Catherine Nan and I will be teaching this course. Students will participate in activities to develop reading comprehension skills and expand their vocabulary.
There are a few requirements for this class:
Students should be going to Kindergarten in the upcoming semester.
Homework should be submitted via Google Classroom before class starts. The Google Classroom code is r4qz54y.
Students should arrive to class on time.
To maintain a good learning environment, parents should help their child if there are any problems while I’m teaching the class.

Hello, I'm Valerie
a bit about me:
Welcome to First & Fourth Grade English, which is designed to teach rising first-grade - seventh-grade students a variety of English skills, including vocabulary, reading comprehension, and creative writing. These skills will help students both in school and in everyday life.
There are a few requirements for this class:
Students must attend every scheduled class on time. If there needs to be an absence for any reason, please contact me prior to the lesson.
Students should complete and submit all homework to Google Classroom before class begins.
Students should actively participate by answering questions and communicating with both peers and the teacher.

Hello, I'm Ting
a bit about me:
Welcome to English Class, this is a class designed for 2nd graders to further hone their reading comprehension and writing skills. I am Ting Shan and I’m the teacher for this course. This course will not only teach students how to evaluate text and write meaningful sentences, this class will also teach students different life lessons These skills are useful for future common writing tasks and will benefit students in their future English classes.
There are a few requirements for this class:
Students should bring a notebook and 2 pencils to class. If you prefer, loose leaf paper and a folder is also fine.
Students should join the classes 5-10 minutes earlier so any technical issues can be solved without wasting class time.
Students should turn in assignments 20-30 minutes before class starts.
Keep the mic muted during class, unless allowed by the teacher, so Zoom doesn’t overload
It would be preferred if students can keep their camera’s open

Hello, I'm Steven
a bit about me:
Welcome to Beginners Scratch Course, which is designed to teach students who have little or no prior experience with Scratch basic concepts and important methods of Scratch. These skills will help grow their programming knowledge and set the base for learning other programming languages.
There are a few requirements for this class:
Students must attend every scheduled class on time. If there needs to be an absence for any reason, please contact me prior to the lesson.
Students should complete and submit all homework to Google Classroom before class begins.
Students should actively participate by answering questions and communicating with both peers and the teacher.
Students should create and sign into a Scratch account prior to the first class. The link to the website is

Hello, I'm Ryan
a bit about me:
Welcome to Java and Object-Oriented programming. Before the first class there are a few housekeeping things that need to be done. Please go to and download “Eclipse IDE 2020-06” this is what we will be using for our class. Before installing, please also go to and download the correct version for your operating system. For MacOS download “jdk-14.0.1_osx-x64_bin.dmg” and for Windows download “jdk-14.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe”. Please install the Java JDK package first then install Eclipse. You can use the default workspace.

Hello, I'm Joy
a bit about me:
Welcome to the Art of Short Story Writing, a course designed to teach elementary school students the elements of short story writing and encourage them to create their own stories. My name is Joy Jiang, and I will be teaching this course. By the end of this course, students will have written their own short stories using the skills they learned in class.
There are a few requirements for all students taking this class:
Students should arrive to every class on time. If a student will be absent for any reason, please contact me prior to the lesson.
Students should actively participate and write down things learned in class.
Students should submit their homework to the google classroom the day before class and check back to see my feedback for them.

Hello, I'm Katie
a bit about me:
Welcome to the hand-on science class, We have designed this program to focus on hands on experiments and experience, to maximize the learning and fun we can have in these short meetings we will have together. We hope that you, students, will get an idea of what labs and experiments will look like in middle school and high school science classes, and with the 2 labs we have planned we will be teaching you about the concepts shown. We will go over how to design an experiment, how to safely conduct one, and how to present your findings according to the principles of the scientific method. Throughout this course, we will be covering the principles of life, human body systems, DNA, heredity, and how to write a lab report. While we have geared this class towards the students, covering material that they can digest, and running labs they can perform, parents feel free to talk to your kids about this information. For our second lab especially, we ask you to be hands and available to help your young scientists to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience for everyone. We look forward to meeting all of you and enjoying this course together! You can also find our contact info above.

Hello, I'm Connor
a bit about me:
Welcome to the hand-on science class, We have designed this program to focus on hands on experiments and experience, to maximize the learning and fun we can have in these short meetings we will have together. We hope that you, students, will get an idea of what labs and experiments will look like in middle school and high school science classes, and with the 2 labs we have planned we will be teaching you about the concepts shown. We will go over how to design an experiment, how to safely conduct one, and how to present your findings according to the principles of the scientific method. Throughout this course, we will be covering the principles of life, human body systems, DNA, heredity, and how to write a lab report. While we have geared this class towards the students, covering material that they can digest, and running labs they can perform, parents feel free to talk to your kids about this information. For our second lab especially, we ask you to be hands and available to help your young scientists to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience for everyone. We look forward to meeting all of you and enjoying this course together! You can also find our contact info above.

Hello, I'm Eddie
a bit about me:
Welcome to Beginners Scratch Course, a class for students who have little or no prior experience with programming the basic concepts and important methods of programming through Scratch. This course will tackle these core skills in order to expand their knowledge and set a foundation for them to learn other programming languages.
There are a few requirements for this class:
1. Students must attend every scheduled class on time. If there needs to be an absence for any reason, please contact me prior to the lesson.
2. Students should complete and submit all homework to Google Classroom before class begins.
3. Students should actively participate by answering questions and communicating with both peers and the teacher.
4. Students should create and sign into a Scratch account prior to the first class. The link to the website is
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